what is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective method of changing the way you perceive the world. Whether you are wanting to change behavior, enhance performance, conquer fears or gain confidence, hypnosis is a wonderful and often short-term way to quickly affect the change you desire.

Hypnosis is a natural, altered state of consciousness, similar to deep relaxation, or daydreaming. Many of us enter this natural mind state spontaneously throughout our day. Have you ever been lost in thought while driving home and missed your turn or lost track of time while reading, watching a movie, or doing something you love? In these moments you are experiencing a light hypnotic trance, similar to the deeply relaxed place you go to every night right before falling asleep. It is as a pleasant state of deep relaxation, where external stimuli are greatly diminished. In this relaxed state you can more fully harness your own positive internal resources to attain your goals.

Hypnotherapy can be used in combination with psychotherapy or as a primary mode of treatment. Therapeutic hypnosis is used to address anxiety, reshape experiences, enhance performance and ultimately change behavior.

How Hypnosis Helps

Change Behavior: sleep disorders, smoking cessation, weight management, stress reduction, phobias, relaxation, motion sickness

Enhance Performance: test taking, pregnancy and childbirth, public speaking, sports and athletics, creative arts, music, professional development, interviews, hobbies, motivation

Develop Inner Strength: personal growth, decision making, life transitions, self-confidence, relationship issues, dream work

Promote Healing: surgery preparation and recovery, dentistry, pain management, illness, boost immune system, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)